For standard shipping, delivery to addresses in metropolitan areas can be expected within 2-5 business days for NSW/ACT, within 3-6 business days for QLD/VIC/SA and within 4-7 business days for TAS/WA/NT. We cannot guarantee delivery times and any representations made regarding delivery times are estimates only and actual delivery times may be subject to delays resulting from transit and matters outside of our control for which we are not responsible. For example, delivery will be delayed where Products are shipped from an overseas location.
Your applicable shipping fees will be shown at check-out on the website and in our order confirmation. Complimentary shipping will be provided for Orders over $200. A standard shipping fee of $15 will apply to Orders up to $200.
Your order will be delivered with standard shipping.
You can pay with all major credit cards, Shop Pay and Google Pay. During your transaction you may also go through a payment authorisation process with your bank.